Monday, January 24, 2011

This messy blog...Finally in a progress of Reconstructing.

Hiya, zeroyuki92 here. I think I was not mentioned bere before (or maybe yes?I forgot), but I'm in the team of conceptor in EVE.

It's pretty messy here, in our official (sigh) blog.  A lot of random things, and most importantly, a lot of not-properly-arranged posts.

So, I tried to clean up things a bit. Starting from creating some initial pages (I added an english page for  our first project, rather than sticking with some lulz javanesse post XD), and post our progress report for our second project, tied with the preview for it. I also searched for some designs that's more suitable for this blog, but I can't find it today, so I'll call this a day...Since it's already 5.00 AM.

For bonus, I put a fake lolwut screenshot pic here. It has messy artline, strange colors, and created with rush, so I think I supposed to call this a doodle :p

This is not the real character design, and I am not the character designer, too. Just consider this as a fanart from the team :p

Ah, clarification. Our protagonist is a lolicon is not a lolicon.


  1. Nanti bentuk dan warna kotak dialognya seprti itu? IMO, rasanya kurang "wah" dngan genre yg akan disokong kali ini :iii:

  2. *Maaf, td gw kelewat bagian "For bonus, I put a fake lolwut screenshot pic here. It has messy artline, strange colors, and created with rush, so I think I supposed to call this a doodle :p"
    Hope it'll b really good this time.

  3. menu aslinya lagi digarap, itu cuman doodle-an iseng tengah malem...tentu saja ga akan sesimpel itu XD

    (cuman rectangle merah dengan opacity 80%, siapapun bisa buat XD XD XD)
