Last Update : 25-01-2011
Story :
Main Arc [Reeve's Arc]
Concept : 100%
Script : 30%
Alternative Arc [Eve's Arc]
Concept : 40%
Script : 0%
Coding :
Main Arc : 20%
Alternatife Arc : 0%
Art : 10%
Music : 0%
It is much longer than the first project, so I hope you guys can be patient :p
Anyway, this is the preview for the second project :
"A mysterious earthquake shook a train headed from London, plunging it into the darkness of England’s treacherous straits of caves. Many are dead, only ten survives. Rations are thin with almost no hope for survival as they face the darkness of the cave and their own. The group consisting of a psychotic ex-inmate, an orphaned girl, a couple of tourists, a priest, a serial killer, two failed attorneys, and a Grandfather and his granddaughter must bare everything to survive."
Mysterious EarthquakeTrust will be stretched thin. Humanity will be questioned. Love will be tested. It is a race against time and Mother Earth.
People Dies
It has been 6 years since Reeve Ravensdale; a psychopath (who managed to dupe people into thinking he is normal) convicted for murder, attempted murder and robbery, sees the light outside prison. Now, abandoned by his former gang members, he seeks to return to his hometown to visit his sister’s grave. During the trip, he met Eve Bianchi Moretti, a beautiful Italian girl with a past as tragic as his own.
The Beast Whispers
The clock is ticking. Reeve and Eve must help the group and each other to beat the creeping death, but more importantly…The Whispers.
Reeve Ravensdale
“A confident young man who was convicted of murder and robbery.”
He was recently pardoned from serving life sentence after 6 years for good behavior by the grace of Her Majesty the Queen. He had a sister who died of Pulmonary Infection during his time in prison, losing his only reason of perpetrating crime. He was caught during a Bank Heist going wrong and was left by his gang as the scapegoat.
His speech pattern is usually crude and unrefined, but at times he shows unexpected literary knowledge. It was a result of learning through reading and observation of people in hopes to do two things: To compensate for his inability to feel emotion and to shut out the Whispers.
Completely amoral and very in your face with people he doesn’t get along with.
Literally sleeps while clutching his knife.
He is proficient with knife.
Coffee, Booze, knives, heavy and fulfilling food,His sister.
Cats, the Whispers, the Song “Row Row the Boat”.
Favorite Character:
Hannibal Lecter, James Bond.
Favorite Books:
Dream Psychology, Psychology As Spiritual Practice & Way of Life, Advanced Tantric Sex for the Sexually Defiant.
The Whispers
It speaks to Reeve in sweet, honeyed temptation, offering sexual and emotional relief by killing and destroying something. It has no form and is only in Reeve’s head- or so he thought. When possessed by it, Reeve becomes creepy, destructive, suicidal, amoral, perverse, and incredibly unstable. He is a very dangerous killing machine in this state.
Eve Bianchi Moretti
“A young Italian girl who lives with her aunt in Bologna.”
She has a scar on her right eye (covered with an eye-patch) and her left breast. The beret she always wears is a gift from her late father. She went to London to face her past, but was unable to keep it together, so she used the remainder of her time to go somewhere else. She is an independent girl who has her weak times. Eve has a mild PTSD in which she becomes a bit awkward with people she doesn’t know, but just recently cope up with it. She likes to speak in Italian at times. Reeve thinks she talks about pizza most of the time.
Italian food, her green beret, children, sexy underwears (secretly)
Loud noises, being alone.
Favorite Characters:
Antonio Banderas, Jean Valjean
Favorite Books:
Anne of the Green Gables, Little House Series, Victoria Secrets
Sheila Anishton
“A newly promoted Inspector of Mets, or Scotland Yard.”
She is a confident career policewoman with great skills. She was given the task to escort Deathwish to protective custody in order to make sure the suspect get to the jail safely. She likes to wear casual Jeans and smoke cigarettes. She deeply respects her father and found the same quality in Reeve, who she became fond of. Sheila is a type of person who likes to swear a lot. Her mouth is so salty that even sailors would get offended with her.
Mild cigarettes, Guns, Being a copper,Not having to deal with desk jobs
Desk jobs, Budget cuts, and people calling her a bender (crossdresser)
Favorite Character:
Chuck Norris, Sylvester Stallone
Favorite Book:
Gone with the Wind, Guns and Pistols over the Ages.
Now For the Couple,Irene And Hendrikus.
Hendrikus Pranoto
“Husband of Irene Ferianto.”
“A kind middle aged man who worked as a geologist.”
Hendrikus was on a tour of England when he decided to go to Yorkshire Dale for vacation. He is knowledgeable about geology (obviously) and one of the easiest people to get along with. He wears cheap T-shirt from a souvenir shop and wore a spectacle over his slightly balding head. His love for his wife is on an epic scale. So epic he would die for her many times over. He is actually very, very stinking rich. His father is an oil magnate.
His wife, rocks, his wife, vacation souvenirs. Did I mention his wife?
Bad people. People saying bad things about his wife
Favorite Character:
They don’t have TV on his workplace, probably Tobey Maguire.
Favorite Books:
Superhero Comics that doesn’t look too gay.
Irene Ferianto
“Wife of Hendrikus Pranoto.”
She must have been beautiful. Once upon a time. Maybe. In her husband’s eye, of course. She covers her face with make up enough for two drag queens. (I lol'd on this one XD)
She is a bit chubby due to her age, and very huggable due to it. She is a kind, helpful woman who likes to go vacationing and buy expensive stuff. She cannot speak English well in view that if she has enough money she can hire someone to translate for her. She acts lovey-dovey with her husband, but in reality she only loves his money.
Jewelry, clothes, overseas vacation
Being seen without make up, her husband.
Favorite Characters:
Leonardo Dicaprio, Il Divo (the shortest one)
Favorite Books:
Perahu Kertas, Twilight.
(Yep,that's right,four characters at once,folks.)
Douglas O’Reilly
“A priest of Anglican Church who was sent by his superior to Birmingham.”
He is a devout man who believes in kindness and the saying do unto others what you want others do unto you. He has narrow eyes and thin moustache.
There is a tattoo on his wrist that is a reminder of him during his rebellious days as a drug smuggler. He repented after being saved by one of the priest of the Order.
Being kind, traveling
Evil, people who makes a mess by pitting religion against religion
Favorite Characters:
Pope John Paul the 2nd, Mother Teresa
Favorite Books:
Bible (the new sacraments, the old one is filled with too many people dying), Self help books.
Alvin “Deathwish” Steelgate
He is a famous serial killer who has killed 20 people in a hunting game. He, the hunter, everyone else, his prey. He kidnapped 5 people at a time and loose them in a forest then proceeds to hunt them like foxes. This idea came from him watching thriller movies and from his own sick mind that was scarred during the war.
His nickname comes from the carving on his teeth “Deathwish”.
He was a marine, but was let go after a scandal with his superior officers.
Big, muscular, more than two meters tall and extremely evil.
He likes the thrill of the hunt.
Killing people, thriller movies.
Overly religious people. People in general.
Favorite Character:
Jason, Freddy.
Favorite Books:
Doesn’t read.
Reed Higgins
“A fat attorney at law who was fired along with his colleague, Jack Mason.”
He is slow and extremely useless in all kinds of things, including breathing. No case he handles ever made it out okay. He has negative outlooks on everything and won’t move unless someone higher in the pyramid of leadership whips him up to shape. He is an overall average middle aged fat guy. Reed Higgins is actually not that bad of a guy.
Food, easy jobs
Efforts, Everything that makes him stand up
Favorite Character:
Can’t be bothered.
Favorite Book:
Nah, too lazy.
Jack Mason
“A wholly unpleasant opportunist.”
He was fired along with his colleague, Reed Higgins. Whereas Higgins was fired for being useless, he was fired because he took on shady jobs and corrupted millions of the firm’s money. He was thin, sneaky, and as slick as an eel. And he also likes to harass women sexually
Women, money, things that can be sold
Everything peaceful.
Favorite Character:
Mr. Montgomery Burns, Soeharto
Favorite Books:
None. Too busy to read.
Last but not least,Alfred and Frey (YAY!!!A LOLI AT LAST!!!) \^o^/
(Whoops,they're watching me,i'd better continue writing...)
Alfred Collins
“An old Historian who works as a curator in British Museum.”
He is a Scottish descent and talks in very thick Scottish accent. He uses a wooden cane because of his bad leg. He is strong for his advanced age. He is 67 and loves his granddaughter to bits.
He lost his son and in law years ago, leaving him with a twelve years old Frey.
A rich man who owns a summer house in Scotland.
His granddaughter. His collection of war paraphernalia
Warmongers. George W. Bush (Oh wow O.o)
Favorite Character:
Mahatma Gandhi.
Favorite Books:
Everything about war.
Frederica Collins
“An innocent, cute little girl who is spoiled rotten by her grandpapa.”
She is very curious about things and treasures the old Teddy bear bought for her by her mother during a carnival. She is dressed with frills and white ribbons. A strong hearted little girl who respects her grandpapa with all her heart. She is very attached to Reeve.
Bears, his Grandpapa, Reeve
Alvin, people who does mean things
Favorite Characters:
Yogi Bear, Winnie the Pooh (I wonder if she likes pedobear too?So I can... XD )
Favorite Book:
Winnie the Pooh