Thursday, July 7, 2011

Super Ultra Great Delicious Reeve MK II...Or Something...

PseudoAngel here with a new update from our graphics staff!!
Surely you guys remember Reeve,right?The hero in our second project?He looked something like this in the initial design

He's cool
He's manly
He's matured
He could take out anybody getting in his way with his loks alone
He could make you came with a smile

BUT!!!They decided that this Reeve won't do
They needed something...different
Something with...Less manliness (but not to a level of some spineless hero in your romantic comedy anime,mind you.)
Something that'd give this "I'm a nice guy" aura

Oh what the heck,i haven't had the time to read the newest script,so i don't know what they had in mind when designing the characters anyway,so some or probably everything i wrote above is false

On the serious side,click the "read more" to see the new Reeve,you must be dying to see it,right?

(or maybe you'll die when you see it,who knows?)