Release Date: 1 September 2010
Genre: Slice of Life, Drama, Action, Romance, Comedy.
Engine Used: Ren'Py Visual Novel Engine (Ren'Py-6.10.2)
System requirements: Windows, Mac, Linux OS
Size: 90 MB
Language: Bahasa Indonesia / English
The story revolves around Sevin and his life, until he mets with Sarah.
The young salaryman, Sevin found this 'mysterious girl' lying on the street. And then, his life goes into a turn-table as Sevin discover who Sarah is.
'This girl is rich! Now, the question is why did this girl hungry? Despite of her having this much money.'
As sevin contemplate with himself, more trouble caught him out of the blue, as if they were waiting it here . . .
Links :
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One Billion Rupiah Girl in other Languages :
One Billion Rupiah Girl, or Gadis Satu Milyar Rupiah, is also available in Bahasa Indonesia.
The original game already includes the language option that you can choose before you play. Have fun :)
Javanesse (It's only the preview, though)
Ingkang sapanunggalan tigang wulan kagawe cerkak visual, 'Bocah Wadon Setunggal Milyar Rupiyah' sampun sanget saget rumiyin dipun donlot.
Menika sakaliyanipun sekerinsut diagem kaliyan tokoh utamane, Sevin manawi Sarah.
Ceritane pun yo nalika lumrah, sederek samenika Sevin kui banjur kerja wis nelangsa pirang - pirang taun yo di siyo - siyo karo Bos e, banjur konco kerjane dhewe, durung meneh diputuske karo bojone. Ealah - alah...Mesakke tenan to koe.
La njur mboten purun sing nelongso...Sevin mau ketemu karo bocah wadon cilik neng dalan ngglethak. Nanging bocah mau pun dereng dahar kaliyan ngelak!
Horotoyoh...Pie nasib e Sevin? Opo bocah mau kadados manunggawa kesiyalan utawa kaberuntungan seko kabecikan? Donlot mawon cerkak visual puniki ning kene.